Practical Theology
Interview with J.K. Elliott
Dr. Kloha interviews visiting professor Dr. J.K. Elliott from University of Leeds.
Interview with Mark Mattes
Dr. Hoeltke interviews visiting professor Dr. Mark Mattes from Grand View University.
Serving the Whole Person
Dr. Idossa gives a brief history of the Lutheran Church in Ethiopia and explains what they are doing today and gives their plans for the…
Diversity and Unity in a Multicultural Church
Dr. Seying keynote address sets a challenge before the LCMS to be a Multi-Cultural Church.
Perspectives from Within Institutional Reflections
Dr. Sanchez moderates 4 speakers from different groups explaining ethnic outreach in the LCMS.
Presenter Round Table
A roundtable composed of Dr. Sanchez, Dr. Gray, Dr. Mengsteab, Deaconess Guerrero, and Rev. Scheve and moderated by Dr. Bartelt discuss issues within the LCMS…
Cultural Hermeneutics: A Case Study in Reading Scripture
Dr. Voelz introduces the idea that each culture gets different messages from the Bible that relate to their culture. Will Main, Dr. Seying and Dr.…
Unity and Diversity in a Multicultural Church
Dr. Okubo explains what are some of the roadblocks are to becoming a multi-cultural church.
Cultural Perspectives: Theology and Anthropology
Dr. Schumacher address the definition of culture.