Practical Theology
Embracing Life Lecture Part 1
Heidi Goehmann conducts a seminar for pastor’s wives on addressing the joys and challenges of ministry life; have high expectations but be flexible.
Robert Wilken Lecture 2015
Dr. Wilken reveals the idea of the early church fathers that used scripture to interpret scripture so the Old Testament is understood by knowing the…
Grace Place Class 1
Pastor Zimmerman leads the first class on the importance of physical, mental, and family wellness and explains the importance of it for pastors, teachers and…
Fighting for end of the (Christian) World
Dr. Furnish explores what Muslims believe in regards to eschatology and points out that groups like ISIS are trying to create the end times from…
Part III: Public-ness and Mystery: Some Distinctions – Dr. Oswald Bayer
Dr. Bayer discusses the public mystery of God’s name, the mystery of evil and that faith is not communicable like a commodity.
Part II: The Apocalyptic Public Sphere: Before God and the World – Dr. Oswald Bayer
Dr. Bayer explains the importance to understanding the freedom of conscience expressed by Martin Luther and the how this should guide us in our public…
Part I: The Logo – VDMA: The Word of the Lord Remains Forever (Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum) – Dr. Oswald Bayer
Dr. Bayer explains what the logo for the Lutheran Quarterly means and its significance.
Expressions of Hope, Part 5
A panel gives a summary of what has been learned and what still needs to be accomplished to further the multi-ethnicity of the LCMS.
Perspectives From Church Leadership
Pastors Day, Pastor Gray and Dr. Stoterau discuss the challenges facing the LCMS with the different cultures within the United States.