Practical Theology
Dealing with Culture Theologically: Music as a Test Case for Exploring Models of Theology & Culture
Dr. Sanchez examines the music as cultural theology and how Luther addressed it.
Personal Perspectives from Ethnic Communities : Koreans
Rev. Kim explains how Lutheranism is understood by Koreans.
Further Thoughts 2
Dr. Rutt comments on the role of the church and challenges of the church.
Perspectives from the Field "Church in Transition: From Mono-ethnic to Multi-ethnic"
Rev. Putnum shares his experiences of moving a mono-ethnic to church to a multi-ethnic church.
Further Thoughts 1
Dr. Schultz reminds us that culture is a part of who we are and that it shapes our understanding of God’s Word.
Personal Perspectives from Ethnic Communities: African-American
Col. Butts presents how Lutheranism has made inroads into the African-American community but need to do more.
Personal Perspectives from Ethnic Communities: Hmong
Dr. Seying explains how Lutheranism is presented to the Hmong community.
Personal Perspectives from Ethnic Communities
Steve Cohen encourages that more outreach be done to the Jewish community by the Lutheran Church.
Personal Perspectives from Ethnic Communities
Deacon Vang explains what is being done toi reach the Hmong and encourages us to include all ethnicities.