Practical Theology
“From Concern to Caring: A Journey to understanding Biblical Charity”
Dr. Froh presents what the Biblical Charity Institute is and what it does.
“Doing Justice: Connecting the Dots”
Dr. Nunes explains how Lutheran World Relief tries to combat poverty and injustice in under developed countries.
Continuing Education Ministry 411
Tony Cook presents a way for pastors to receive CEU’s by using Communications 411.
Justice as Aid (Sectional)
Mark Junkans of LINC Houston encourages the church to be involved in issues of justice and to conduct activities of mercy.
Justice as Aid (Plenary)
Rev. Seter of LCMS Board of International Missions explores justice as being merciful to those who need our help.
“Catholic Social Teaching: A Framework for Seeking Justice”
Dr. Staral presents the ideas of Catholic Social Teaching.
Water, Font, Earth and Altar: Creation and Sacrament
Pastor Kurz links the elements of baptism and communion to the elemental forms that are used.
The Christology of Colossians and the New Creation
Dr. Gieschen takes through Paul’s understanding of Christ in Colossians and Corinthians.
Story Time in America: the Narratives that are Told, the Notions that are Held
Dr. Biermann proposes that the church today is struggling with “normal nihilism” and it affects how we tell the story of God to the world.