Practical Theology
The Character of the Preacher: Truthtelling
Dr. Eslinger discusses truth telling by preachers in the pulpit and to help them envision the image you are preaching about.
God’s Top Ten
Dr. Lessing presents a Sermon Series on the Ten Commandments and gives ideas how to use it.
Walter Wangerin, Jr. Interview
Dr. Walter Wangerin is interviewed and a video of his book “Ragman” is discussed.
Martin Luther: Christ’s Presence as Preaching
Dr. Grimenstein encourages pastors to preach God’s Word as announcement and in the first person to the congregation.
The Character of the Preacher
Dr. Eslinger presents the idea that a preacher must speak as an authentic person speaking the Word of God.
Interview with Dr. Paul Scott Wilson
Dr. Wilson gives a fuller explanation of his journey back to faith and expands on the ideas he discussed in the seminars.
Preaching from Paul’s Metaphors
Dr. Rossow presents the use of metaphors in preaching and how to use them appropriately.
Jonah The Survivor Series
Dr. Lessing introduces his Lenten Sermon Series on Jonah.
Image-Based Preaching: An Example
Dr. Schmitt introduces using images both real and visually drawn in your sermon. Dr. Schmitt goes through and example using the six perspectives for contemplating…