Practical Theology
Epiphany 3 • 1 Corinthians 7:29–31 (32–35) • January 25, 2015
Instead, what Paul wants to foster among us today is a conversation about life in Christ and how our joys and our sorrows, our buying…
BEFORE NATURE: A Christian Spiritual Paul Santmire
Throughout the book Santmire ties his and the reader’s spiritual journey together with what he calls the “the Trinity Prayer.”
Christ Coming To Us Luther’s Rhetoric of Location
Christ comes to a people and a place through the proclamation of God’s word.
Engaging Our Culture Faithfully
If the problem we face is not the secularization of society but the secularization of the church brought about by importing expressive individualism into the…
Advent 4 • Romans 16:25–27 • December 21, 2014
On the final Sunday of Advent, just a few days before the glorious celebration of Christmas, these three verses at the end of the Epistle…
Proper 27 • Amos 5:18–24 • November 9, 2014
Through Amos, Yahweh roars judgment to the neighboring kingdoms around Judah and Israel.
Christmas 1 • Galatians 4:4–7 • December 28, 2014
This is what the family of God looks like when adopted by our Abba Father because of the Christmas gift named Jesus, and the Holy…
BLOOD AND LIFE: Sermons on the Old Testament By Michael Kasting
Kasting’s sermons do more than delight—they are “the power of God for our salvation.” I sometimes quip to my homiletics students, “Anyone can write an…
Advent 1 • 1 Corinthians 1:3–9 • November 30, 2014
The church becomes that vessel of incarnate grace where we are saturated in baptismal living waters that have claimed, redeemed, and forgiven us.