Practical Theology
Advent 2 • 2 Peter 3:8–14 • December 7, 2014
The goal of the sermon is not for the hearer to make time for witnessing and outreach as if it is another thing the baptized…
DUST AND BREATH: Faith, Health, and Why the Church Should Care about Both By Kend Hotz and Matthew Mathews
Through individual case studies from inner city Memphis, the book illustrates instances of illness that can be connected pastorally with sin and redemption through faith…
All Saints’ Day • 1 John 3:1–3 • November 1, 2015
BLESSED ARE THE BALANCED: A Seminarian’s Guide to Following Jesus in the Academy
NEGOTIATING IDENTITY: Exploring Tensions between Being Hakka and Being Christian in Northwestern Taiwan
Christofferson speaks of the Hakka people, he prefers more malleable descriptors such as “being Hakka” or “doing things in the Hakka way.” This, in turn,…
A Special Kinship
Lutheran Hour Ministries enjoys a kinship with Concordia Seminary historically as well as today.
Proper 13 • Ephesians 4:1–16 • August 2, 2015
Just as your hands and your knees are gifts to you, gifts from God, so are the people around you gifts from God.
Proper 21 • James 5:(1–12) 13–20
Regardless of which section of the pericope one selects, all three share the following themes: we are to live out our identity in Christ even…