Practical Theology
Epiphany 6 • Deuteronomy 30:15–20 • February 16, 2014
Choice within the context of Deuteronomy 30 is not a matter of picking and choosing. Choice is a covenant term wherein God is the subject.
GRASSROOTS ASIAN THEOLOGY: Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up. By Simon Chan
He states his purpose as “to force a rethink on the way Asian theology is currently undertaken and in so doing to show the distinctive…
Lent 4 • Ephesians 2:1–10 • March 15, 2015
Secure in our relationship with God (by grace through faith – first kind of righteousness) we are empowered by God to live as God’s people…
Reformation Day • Revelation 14:6–7 • October 26, 2014
Our God, our “ever present help in distress” is present with us in Christ who holds us tightly and sustains us with his Spirit in…
IMPLICATIONS OF BRAIN RESEARCH FOR THE CHURCH:What It Means for Theology and Ministry By Allen Nauss
It is certainly true that “seminaries and the church’s clergy in the field can certainly become more effective in their ministry as they combine emotion…
Word Alive! Connections and Conversations
Making the Word alive and making connections through conversations.
Easter 6 • Acts 17:16–31 • May 25, 2014
The true God is not detached and uninterested in humanity, as the philosophers understood the gods to be, but rather God is truly interested and…
Lent 3 • 1 Corinthians 1:18–31 • March 8, 2015 The Word of the Cross
The preacher has the wonderful opportunity in this text to invite his hearers to respond to Christ by believing the word of the cross and…
A Timely Word from Luther on Recruiting Young Men for Pastoral Ministry
Luther’s admonition is one that is appropriate for parents and parishes today: “…your children are not so wholly yours that you need give nothing of…