Practical Theology
Palm Sunday • Philippians 2:5–11 • March 29, 2015
Our English too often comes off sounding like Jesus was something less than God, as if he merely appeared to be God.
Proper 16 • Ephesians 5:22–33
The bulk of this passage has as its focus the role of husbands and how they are to love.
Light from Above, Laser Our Hearts
It is a great time to be in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ! To our seminarians, I hope this year will fuel your…
Palm Sunday • Isaiah 50:4–9a • April 13, 2014
After describing what Jesus will go through, the sermon retells how Peter answers correctly Jesus’s question about whom the disciples say he is only to…
Marriage The Divine and Blessed Walk of Life
Marriage is God’s divine and blessed walk of life for man and woman being true to each other, to be fruitful, to beget children, and…
Christian Counseling The Past Generation and the State of the Field
Gary Moon, vice president of Richmont Graduate University, says that Christian counseling, pastoral counseling, biblical counseling, and spiritual direction are all “sibling soul care disciplines.”
How Can We Help You?
Concordia Seminary is committed to providing to all the baptized of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod theological resources that are helpful for faith and life.
Proper 19 • Genesis 50:15–21 • September 14, 2014
Filled with fear before the power of Joseph to kill them, and in the absence of Jacob to protect them, they come face-to-face with the…