Practical Theology
Proper 17 • Jeremiah 15:15–21 • August 31, 2014
Though the Lord “understands,” Jeremiah grieves over the persecution he is suffering and questions whether the Lord will be “like a deceptive brook.”
Proper 12 • Ephesians 3:14–21 • July 26, 2015
Paul is praying that the Ephesian Christians will be able to see the blueprints, so to speak, for the new church construction project, that is…
Proper 28 • 2 Thessalonians 3:(1–5) 6–13 • November 17, 2013
Our God is a working God who has blessed us with the opportunity to serve him as his instruments to love and serve our neighbor.
Proper 9 • Zechariah 9:9–12 • July 6, 2014
The people of God (depicted as the daughter of Zion/Jerusalem) are summoned to rejoice and exult at the king’s arrival.
Easter 2 • 1 John 1:1–2:2 • April 12, 2015 Drawn into God’s Fellowship
The Christian fellowship is a humbler fellowship, namely the fellowship of the forgiven children of God—and it’s not a solitary walk, but a fellowship with…
Easter 5 • Acts 6:1–9; 7:2a, 51–60
This text challenges us to let grace define our witness; grace that speaks the truth in love, and grace that sows the seeds of forgiveness.
Things We Do Not Fully Preach About Preparing to Die
So what is the final and ultimate victory over death? The last day finds God not abandoning His creation but remaking it. He redeems His…
Pedagogy for a Politicized Church
Students will come, study, and leave Concordia Seminary either to join in the politicization of the church and thereby acquiesce to American culture or they…