Practical Theology
Pastor and people: God’s winning team
This course is designed to help the student: 1) enlarge his understanding of the Biblical concept and principles of the Christian witness; 2) clarify and…
Indian missions and ministry Part 1
Lecture given to the Special Ministries Class (P-525) led by Carl A. Volz, February 20, 1969.
Apartment ministry in Dallas, Texas
Lecture given to the Special Ministries Class (P-525) led by Carl A. Volz, February 25, 1969.
Where the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is at, liturgically speaking
Lecture presented for course P-100, Worship, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, September 15, 1972.
Orientation to ministry: professionalism
Simulated interview with Alton Wedel at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, 1973.
Class lecture (P-102) at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, January 9, 1973.
The challenge of rural ministry Part 1
Lecture presented to the Special Ministries Class (P-525) led by Carl Volz.
Black urban ministry Part 2
Lecture presented to the Special Ministries Class (P-525) led by Carl Volz.
St. Louis law enforcement
Lecture given to the Special Ministries class (P-525) on February 11, 1969, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.