33 – Why did Luther include a section on Confession and Absolution?
Dr. Kolb explains why confession and absolution are important for the Christian life.
14- Session Four Part 1
A story about a man who learns what forgiveness means and gives forgiveness to those who have wronged him.
08- Session Two Part 1
The idea of Christian Mediation is presented in a way to help us use our vertical relationship with God in our horizontal relationship with man.
15- Confession and Absolution
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb discuss penance, confession and absolution from Luther’s perspective.
The Augsburg Confession: the Apology on the Sacraments & the Public Ministry
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb discuss what it meant by a "New Obedience and Good Works "in the Apology of the Augsburg Confession Articles 4…
Luther’s Catechisms on the Sacraments
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb discuss Luther’s understanding of the Sacraments from his catechisms.
Propter Absolutionem: Holy Absolution in the Theology of Martin Luther and Philipp Jacob Spener A Comparative Study
The approach to Luther’s theological development which will be taken here is a chronological one. This is in no small part due to the character…