Christ as Priest

  • John 17:1-11

    John 17:1-11 is appointed for Easter 7, Series A. In His High Priestly Prayer, Jesus prays first for Himself and His own glorification, then for…

  • John 17:11b-19

    John 17:11b-19 is appointed for Easter 7, Series B. Our Savior is close to the Father and attends to our need to be preserved in…

  • John 17:20-26_1

    John 17:20-26 is appointed for Easter 7, Series C. Jesus prays that the world would know Jesus, believe in Him, and therefore be with the…

  • John 17:20-26_1a

    John 17:20-26 is appointed for Easter 7, Series C. Who Jesus is and what He came to do are summed up in the idea that…