christian doctrine
Attending worship is important and the different types of organizational structures that are used in the church today.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit sanctifies you and brings Grace through mediate means.
God want all Christians to pray and hears their prayers and sometime the answer is no.
Abelard and Catholicism
The errors of Abelard and the teaching of indulgences.
Vicarious Substitution
The vicarious substitution of Christ gives us the Blessed Exchange.
Negations of Chalcedon
The final resolution of the heresies about Christ as true God and true man are resolved.
The Incarnation
The different ideas of how God and man could exist in the same person at the same time.
The Sacraments
The sacraments are a means of by which the Holy Spirit gives us God’s Grace.
3 Views of Presence
Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin,