An Examination and Evaluation of A. H. Strong’s Doctrine of Holy Scripture
One of the reasons for writing this dissertation waste provide a written document that would correct the major defects in Strong’s doctrine of Holy Scripture…
Imputatio Iustitiae Christi, Liberum Arbitrium in Renatis, and Tertius Usus Legis in Melanchthon’s Later Loci
It is the purpose of this study to investigate how forensic justification, the third use of the Law, and the free will of the regenerate…
Melanchthon’s Understanding of the Will in the Loci Communes
It is a commonplace among many Lutheran theologians that Philip Melanchthon was a synergist. The purpose of this study is to evaluate this theological judgment…
A Study of Recent Research on the Concept of Holy War in the Old Testament
The main purpose of this thesis is to gain a general overview of recent scholarship in the area of Holy War in the Old Testament.…
Uemura Masahisa (1857-1925) First Generation Pastor, Christian Leader and Instinctive Proponent of Indigenized Christianity in Japan
Uemura was an extremely able leader and organizer of men, sophisticated thinker, broad reader, and committed to the Christian faith ashes understood it. Part of…
The Three-Self Principle as a Model for the Indigenous Church
With all of these definitions, the one that is recognized the most is still the one with which it was associated from the beginning. “In…
Gifts of the Spirit
The format for this paper is relatively simple. First, a brief section on the history of spiritual gifts will be given. This will be followed…