NEGOTIATING IDENTITY: Exploring Tensions between Being Hakka and Being Christian in Northwestern Taiwan
Christofferson speaks of the Hakka people, he prefers more malleable descriptors such as “being Hakka” or “doing things in the Hakka way.” This, in turn,…
Martin Luther’s Platzregen in Action The Changing Face of Global Christianity
The study of the momentous demographic shifts in Christianity that have taken place in the past two decades has become a growth industry of sorts.
GRASSROOTS ASIAN THEOLOGY: Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up. By Simon Chan
He states his purpose as “to force a rethink on the way Asian theology is currently undertaken and in so doing to show the distinctive…
THE NEW SHAPE OF WORLD CHRISTIANITY: How American Experience Reflects Global Faith. By Mark A. Noll
Noll proposes that North American Christianity molded, and is related to, worldwide Christianity via an amalgamation of missionary influence, evangelical attitudes, and shared historical contexts.
Vocational Apologetics An Argument For Using The Lutheran Understanding Of Vocation As A Form Of Enfleshed Apologetics For The Church To Engage A Cultural Setting Influenced By The Criticism Of The New Atheists
Clayton, Kirk M. “Vocational Apologetics: An Argument for Using the Lutheran Understanding of Vocation as a Form of Enfleshed Apologetics for the Church to Engage…
Water as a Metaphor for the Holy Spirit in Johannine Pneumatology
In formulating a working definition of metaphor for the purposes of this thesis, we will follow the lead of Murfin and Ray, Travers, and others…
What is Expected of Pastoral Care in the Twenty-first Century Lutheran Church its Measures and its Myths: A Confessional Lutheran Perspective
Ever since the post-modem Christian Church began to look for ways in which to seek ways to bring in the lost and unsaved masses of…