Isaiah 7:10-14
Isaiah 7:10-14 is appointed for Christmas Eve. The child was a sign of deliverance, and a type of Chist, who is our deliverance. “God with…
Isaiah 9:2-7_1a
Isaiah 9:2-7 is appointed for Christmas Midnight. This passage, probably a coronation hymn, acknowledges a new king in Judah, while pointing to a greater, eternal…
Isaiah 9:2-7_1
Isaiah 9:2-7 is appointed for Christmas Midnight. Isaiah describes the fulfillment of the Davidic promise, now realized in Christ. The Law/Gospel theme is darkness versus…
Isaiah 63:7-14
Isaiah 63:7-14 is appointed for Christmas 1, Series A. Isaiah talks about a New Exodus from the Babylonian Exile, with foreshadowings of God’s greatest act…
Numbers 6:22-27
Numbers 6:22-27 is appointed for the Feast of the Circumcision and Name of Jesus. God blesses His people by giving them His divine name, peace,…
1 John 4:7-16
1 John 4:7-16 is appointed for Christmas Eve, Series C. We love because God loved us by sending His Son as the Savior of the…
“Savior of the Nations, Come” Advent Sermon Series
Written by renowned biblical scholar and preacher Dr. Reed Lessing, the sermon series is based on Isaiah 40:1-11, unpacking the prophet’s profound Advent themes of…
John 1:1-14 (15-18)
John 1:1-14 (15-18) is appointed for Christmas Day, Series A, B, and C. Christ came to bring light into the darkness. In Christ, opposites unite.…