church discipline
41 – How important are the passages including the word ecclesia for our idea of the church?
Dr. Schulz explains that we understand the meaning of church from the New Testament.
51 – Do sinners and hypocrites exist in the church as well?
Dr. Schulz explains that sinners and hypocrites exist in the church as well.
31 – Do Lutheran congregations make much use of the practice of excommunication?
Dr. Biermann explains when a member should be excommunicated.
34 – How does one respond to negative reactions to church discipline?
Dr. Biermann explains that doing church discipline is never easy but it is the right thing to do and needs to be accomplished.
35 – How does one work with the whole congregation in the midst of administering church discipline?
Dr. Biermann encourages you to teach the congregation before you get to an event where church discipline needs to be applied.