church history

  • Acts 17-28

    The end of Paul’s second journey and the 3rd journey including his being sent to Rome to have his case heard before Caesar.

  • Galatians

    A quick overview of Galatians where Paul reminds the people that we are saved through Faith by Grace not by works.

  • Acts 13-15

    The first Missionary Journey of Paul and the debate over circumcision and the decision about how Gentiles should live.

  • Acts 11-12

    The continued growth of the Early Church and Saul called from Tarsus to Antioch to help with the church in Antioch. The three Missionary journeys…

  • Acts 4-5

    The foundation of the Early Church and a comparison between Barnabas and Ananias & Sapphira.

  • Acts 9-11

    The conversion of Saul on the Road to Damascus along with the growth of acceptance by Peter and the Early Church of all people and…

  • Acts 6-8

    The stoning of Stephen causes the Early Church to spread out to Samaria and to the Ethiopian Eunuch.

  • Acts 2-3

    How Pentecost is the beginning of the Early Church.

  • Acts 1

    The Ascension of Christ and Pentecost are covered along with the choosing of Matthias to replace Judas.