church & state
37 – What did Calvin teach?
Dr. MacKenzie explains the differences between Calvin and Luther.
37 – Was America originally founded as a Christian nation?
Dr. Rast discusses the idea that the United States was founded as a Christian nation.
06 – How did the Church in Europe develop in the centuries following the Reformation?
Dr. Rast gives a short explanation of the changes within the church and its relationship to the state in the 1600’s -1800’s.
44 – What is the usefulness of the Apology for those living in a country which separates church and state?
Dr. Arand gives the historical background for the Apology for the Augsburg Confession and how the understandings of the Apology could affect our own church…
GPS Living- Session 14
Dr. Meyer discusses the affect that relationships have on society as a whole.
Reformation issues: now and then Lesson Five
Recorded at the Fall, 1976, Series of courses for the laity, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.