Coram Deo
Proper 9 • 2 Corinthians 12:1–10 • July 5, 2015 Exegetical Notes
Beyond conflict resolution lies a whole new way of defining reality, not by might or by power, or even by spiritual gifts or by healings,…
CASE FOR CHARACTER: Towards a Lutheran Virtue Ethics. By Joel D. Biermann
Over all, Biermann’s contribution is significant, timely, and a remarkable achievement that will alter current discussions of ethics among Lutherans and other Christians.
Living in the Promises and Places of God A Theology of the World
In this discourse mutual witness is possible as the lives of both Christians and non-Christians function as a testimony to part of the story of…
The Household Prayers of Doctor Martin Luther and Daily Devotion at Zion Lutheran Church in Wausau, Wisconsin
Gjerde, Steven, K. “The Household Prayers of Doctor Martin Luther and Daily Devotion at Zion Lutheran Church in Wausau, Wisconsin.” Doctor of Ministry, Major Applied…
From Sea to Shining Sea Session 2 Part 1
Dr. Biermann discusses how there should be cooperation between the two realms, but not confusion; distinction, but not divorce.
(W)right with God?: A Response to N. T. Wright’s Vision of Justification (Part 2)
It is in the vision of Jesus the Messiah, in whom the faithfulness that God required of Israel has come to reality, that Wright binds…
05 – Is the two realms doctrine the same as the law and gospel distinction or the two kinds of righteousness?
Dr. Biermann explains that Law and Gospel takes place in both realms and is connected to how we connect to God and the world.
45 – Is there a theological framework which can help make sense of the Apology?
Dr. Arnad explains the purpose and what can be learned from the Apology to the Augsburg Confessions.
Paul Through the Ages_ Session 3, Part 3
For Luther, Old Testament and New Testament is not a transition from Law to Gospel. Rather Law and Gospel is about the situation of all…