Proper 28 • Zephaniah 1:7–16 • November 16, 2014
In sum, this is the basic biblical narrative in a nutshell, with the new creation brought about in the presence of King Yahweh incarnate in…
Epiphany • Ephesians 3:1–12 • January 4, 2015
Now, instead of the law separating Jews and Gentiles, God offered salvation apart from works of the law to both Jews and Gentiles.
Proper 12 • Deuteronomy 7:6-9 • July 27, 2014
God, our faithful God, keeps his word and covenant in redemption and forgiveness.
Transfiguration Sunday • Exodus 24:8–18 • March 2, 2014
If OT Israel needed a mediator, the one named and appointed to approach the presence of God on behalf of the people, how much greater…
Transfiguration • 2 Corinthians 3:12–13 (14–18); 4:1–6 • February 15, 2015
As Paul uses this image of the veil to describe what happens with unbelievers when they hear God’s word, this image should not be directly…
Baptism of Our Lord • Isaiah 42:1–7 • January 12, 2014
Through the baptismal covenant, we are united with Christ and receive his blessings.
Epiphany 6 • Deuteronomy 30:15–20 • February 16, 2014
Choice within the context of Deuteronomy 30 is not a matter of picking and choosing. Choice is a covenant term wherein God is the subject.
Proper 10 • Isaiah 55:10–13 • July 13, 2014
From Promise to Triumph
READING ZECHARIAH WITH ZECHARIAH 1:1–6 AS THE INTRODUCTION TO THE ENTIRE BOOK. Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology, 59. By Heiko Wenzel
Those who preach and teach from this, the longest of the Minor Prophets, will find Wenzel’s study to be invaluable.