A Word, Syntactical, Narrative and Contextual Analysis of Matthew 8:23-27
This thesis will examine Matthew 8:23-27 (the “Stonn on the Sea” pericope) according to the methodology of discourse analysis at the word, syntactical, narrative and…
Gratia Pro Gratia: Augustine’s Doctrine of Grace
The thesis explores the place of the doctrine of grace in Augustine’s theology in two areas. First, Augustine’s view of grace is considered as a…
Luke’s Sermon on the Plain and the Restoration of Israel: Luke 6:12-20 as Prolegomenon
In the history of New Testament interpretation, Luke’s Sermon on the Plain has struggled to emerge from the shadow of its elder brother-the Sermon on…
Interpreting Qohelet’s Contradictions
The purpose of this thesis is to try to determine the best interpretive option to deal with apparent contradictions or “tensions” in Ecclesiastes.
The Christ, the Antichrist, and Prophetic Claims
The thesis of this paper is that there are four scriptural criteria for prophets which justify God’s demand that people reject the Antichrist’s prophetic ministry,…
The Genesis Creation Narratives: Through the Lenses of a Historical-Critical Perspective and the Creation/Evolution Debate
This thesis will examine the creation narratives in three different ways. First, an examination of other ancient Near Eastern Creation accounts will be conducted. It…
Luther’s Genesis Lectures on the Hidden God Who Reveals Himself
This paper will not deal with text-critical issues concerning the Genesis lectures. An analysis of secondary sources is minimized in preference for the primary source.…
The Genealogy According to Matthew, Previewing The Plot Before the Story Begins
This work attempts to answer these questions by proposing that the genealogy has a particular narrative function. Namely, it works to call to mind a…
Psalm 93: An Exegetical Study of the Psalm and its Relationship to Ancient Near Eastern Mythology
Does the Bible depend upon ancient Near Eastern l literature? Does it need to? If so, how much? If not, why not? These questions evoke…