A Hermeneutical and Exegetical Evaluation of Contextualization in Light of John 1:14
This thesis provides a hermeneutical and exegetical evaluation of contextualization in light of John 1: 14, as asserted by evangelical contextualizers. This study will initially…
A Biblical Understanding of Women in Ministry: An Investigation of I Timothy 2:8-15
One of the continuing hotbeds of debate affecting a broad spectrum of denominations during the last half century has been the nature and scope of…
Paul, Ananias, And Authority: An Exegetical Study of Acts 22:30-23:5
This study considers what the confrontation between the apostle Paul and the Jewish high priest Ananias narrated in Acts 22:30-23:5 might contribute to a Christian…
A Exegetical Study of Hebrews 6:4-6: Apostasy and Renewal to Repentance
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate thoroughly the various themes contained within HEB 6:4-6-especially the motifs of apostasy and renewal to repentance-and arrive…
The Structure of the Gospel of Mark: Revisiting the Implications of Repetition and Characterization
The search for a distinctive and coherent structure to the Gospel of Mark has long been a challenge for scholarship. While denying redaction and narrative…
Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Ephesians 4:25-26
The goal of this study is to determine Paul’s use of Zech 8: 16 and Ps 4:4 (LXX Ps 4:5) in Eph 4:25-26 and the…
A Historical and Theological Examination of the Resurrections of the Saints in Matthew 27:51-53
In the book of Matthew, the evangelist describes various phenomena that accompanied Jesus’ death. Darkness blotted out the sun, the earth shook, the temple curtain…
Who is the Speaker in Job 24:18-24 and What Does He Mean?
The first step to answering these questions, the aim of this paper, is to identify this author’s assumptions. These may include, though they are not…
An Exposition of the Book of Titus with a Missiological Perspective
This dissertation will show how Paul developed that theme of spiritual health. Also, this paper will answer the question given above about necessary-exercises that the…