How you can use the natural law to get to the specific revelation.
Faith 1
What is faith and doctrine?
Specific Revelation
How God is revealed in specific revelation through the Word.
Celebrating God’s Grace: An Adult Information Course which Teaches the Doctrine of the Church as it is Expressed in the Worship of the Church
The writer did a thorough study of the ongoing relationship of worship and doctrine as an influence in the formation of Lutheran worship practices. He…
An Historical Analysis of the Doctrine of the Ministry in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Until 1962
This study will analyze the historical background of statements on the doctrine of the ministry within The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (hereafter identified as the Missouri…
Melanchthon’s Understanding of the Will in the Loci Communes
It is a commonplace among many Lutheran theologians that Philip Melanchthon was a synergist. The purpose of this study is to evaluate this theological judgment…
The Lutheran Confessions and St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans
This paper will investigate the use of Scripture by the Lutheran Confessions in their presentation of important Scriptural teachings. Such an undertaking, however, would be…