John 20:1-18
John 20:1-18 is appointed for Easter Sunrise, Series A, B, and C. Jesus is in control and He knows what He is doing. He puts…
John 20:19-31_1
John 20:19-31 is appointed for Easter 2, Series A, B, and C. The Gospels contain a selection of the works of Jesus. They are signs…
John 20:19-31_1a
John 20:19-31 is appointed for Easter 2, Series A, B, and C. Absolution is only meaningful because Jesus is raised from the dead. Our faith…
John 20:19-31_1b
John 20:19-31 is appointed for Easter 2, Series A, B, and C. Thomas was not doubting. He was unbelieving, that Jesus was raised from the…
John 20:19-31_1c
John 20:19-31 is appointed for Easter 2, Series A, B, and C. When Jesus breathed on the disciples, He gave them His life-giving Spirit. This…
John 20:19-31_1d
John 20:19-31 is appointed for Easter 2, Series A, B, and C. Jesus was sent by the Father to bring peace, life, and forgiveness. Jesus…
John 20:19-31_1e
John 20:19-31 is appointed for Easter 2, Series A, B, and C. Whereas the Epistles rely on the words and argumentation, the Gospels rely on…
John 21:1-14
John 21:1-14 (15-19) is appointed for Easter 3, Series C. Dr. Gibbs covers verses 1-14. The Apostle John tells us three times in this passage…
John 21:1-14_(15-19)
John 21:1-14 (15-19) is appointed for Easter 3, Series C. Jesus draws all people to Himself. He uses the Church to accomplish this task. Similarly,…