GOD’S TIMELINE: An Introduction to Theology for Laypeople By Rick Meyer
In God’s Timeline: An Introduction to Theology for Laypeople, Rick Meyer seeks to engage the reader in a theological journey that spreads across the whole…
DUST AND BREATH: Faith, Health, and Why the Church Should Care about Both By Kend Hotz and Matthew Mathews
Through individual case studies from inner city Memphis, the book illustrates instances of illness that can be connected pastorally with sin and redemption through faith…
WHO IS THE CHURCH?: An Ecclesiology for the Twenty-First Century. By Cheryl M. Peterson
Peterson appropriates insights from communion ecclesiology, the missio Dei movement, and the Lutheran tradition, particularly Luther’s Large Catechism, in order to offer an account of…
Christ, Church, and World: A Christological Ecclesiology for Post-Christendom
The North American church is facing a profound crisis. The post-Christendom situation is changing the landscape of the church’s relationship with culture, society, and individual…
1 Corinthians 1:1-9
1 Corinthians 1:1-9 Second Sunday after the Epiphany Series A Paul greets the believers at Corinth.
003.1 Timothy 3:1-13
1 Timothy 3:1-13 19th Sunday after Pentecost, series C. Paul list what kind of people showed be involved in the leadership of the Church and…
39 – What is the significance of the word ecclesial?
Dr. Schulz explains what the word ecclesiology means.
002.Aug 2008 Writers Roundtable: The Church Part 2
A further discussion on proposed changes the structure of Synod.
001.July 2008 Writers Roundtable: The Church
An explanation of the purpose of the Synod and it trans congregational importance.