Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue On Foundations Laid in 1962–1964
GRASSROOTS ASIAN THEOLOGY: Thinking the Faith from the Ground Up. By Simon Chan
He states his purpose as “to force a rethink on the way Asian theology is currently undertaken and in so doing to show the distinctive…
49 – How denominations fit into the One Church?
Dr. Schulz explains why Lutherans have a role in Christianity to preach the Pure Gospel.
48 – Does language about the One Holy Christian Church make us eccumenical?
Dr. Schulz explains what ecumenical means today.
29 – What was the purpose and significance of the Augsburg Confession to Lutherans in the 16th century?
Dr. Schulz explains the purpose and significance of the Augsburg Confession to Lutherans and others in the 16th century.
What is the meaning of Ecumenicalism?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “What is the meaning of Ecumenicalism?”
What are the other ecumenical churches in America?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “What are the other ecumenical churches in America?”
Are there any ecumenical churches in America?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “Are there any ecumenical churches in America?”
Altar and Pulpit Fellowship
The differences between ecumenical and unionism are explained in this class.