Ronald R. Feuerhahn: Historian, Theologian, Churchman, Pastor
In memory of Ronald R. Feuerhahn: Historian, Theologian, Churchman, Pastor.
A Special Kinship
Lutheran Hour Ministries enjoys a kinship with Concordia Seminary historically as well as today.
Encomium for William Carr, Upon His Retirement
On the retirement of William Carr.
Word Alive! Connections and Conversations
Making the Word alive and making connections through conversations.
A Timely Word from Luther on Recruiting Young Men for Pastoral Ministry
Luther’s admonition is one that is appropriate for parents and parishes today: “…your children are not so wholly yours that you need give nothing of…
Light from Above, Laser Our Hearts
It is a great time to be in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ! To our seminarians, I hope this year will fuel your…
How Can We Help You?
Concordia Seminary is committed to providing to all the baptized of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod theological resources that are helpful for faith and life.
Pedagogy for a Politicized Church
Students will come, study, and leave Concordia Seminary either to join in the politicization of the church and thereby acquiesce to American culture or they…
“A Gospel-Based Budgeting of Theology’s Resources”
“Lead with the gospel” does, and that is our focus as we offer you our faculty’s time, learning, and energies for your ministry.