Proper 12 • Deuteronomy 7:6-9 • July 27, 2014
God, our faithful God, keeps his word and covenant in redemption and forgiveness.
God’s Word Produces Faith and Fruit Reflections from Luther’s Understanding of the Sermon on the Mount
In his comments on the Sermon on the Mount in 1538 he made clear that the community’s light was to shine with good works, which…
Habakkuk 1:1-4- 2:1-4
Habakkuk 1:1-4- 2:1-4 20th Sunday after Pentecost, Series C. A plaintive cry of why does God all so much suffering?
(W)right with God?: A Response to N. T. Wright’s Vision of Justification (Part 2)
It is in the vision of Jesus the Messiah, in whom the faithfulness that God required of Israel has come to reality, that Wright binds…