family devotion
The Good Shepherd
A family devotion based on the Good Shepard analogy and we know that Jesus is the Good Shepard, and what does this mean for you…
to the ends of the earth
A family devotion based on the resurrected Jesus appearing to the disciples and them to witness to all they have seen and heard, and what…
Just as He Told You
A family devotion based on Easter morning and the empty tomb and what does this mean for you and for your family.
Not to be served, but to serve
A family devotion based on James and John’s request to be in position of honor in the Christ kingdom, what does this mean for you…
Ta ke u p t h e C ro s s
A family devotion based on the Peter’s confession of Jesus as Messiah and what it means to "Take up our Cross" and follow Christ, what…
Baptism and Beginning of Ministry
A family devotion based on the Baptism and temptations of Jesus and listening to the voice of God what does this means for your family.
A family devotion based on the Transfiguration of Jesus and listening to the voice of God what does this means for your family.