Formula of Concord
“I Make These Confessions My Own” Lutheran Confessional Subscription in the Twenty-first Century Robert Kolb and Charles P. Arand
The spirit of Augsburg and the method of the Wittenberg theologians carry the content of the Lutheran confessional documents into the many societies and cultures…
46 – What does the Formula have to say about the righteousness of faith?
Dr. Rast explains the difference between Luther’s view of the righteousness of God and Osiander’s.
48 – What does the Formula say regarding the distinction of Law and Gospel?
Dr. Rast explains law and Gospel and how they should be used and understood.
43 – What is the background of the Formula and its authors?
Dr. Rast gives a historical explanation of the struggles Lutheranism faced after the death of Melanchthon and Flacius.
49 – What is the role of the Law in the life of the baptized?
Dr. Rast leads us to understand the proper use of Law and Gospel direct us to lead the lives Christ wants us to lead.
52 – Why do Lutherans confess the descent of Jesus into Hell?
Dr. Rast explains why we use the phrase "he descended into hell" in the Apostle’s Creed.
53 – What does the Forumla say regarding "adiaphora"?
Dr. Rast explains how adiaphora can become an issue when it is forced form a non-Biblical authority.
55 – Why should the Lutheran church continue to exist today?
Dr. Rast explains that Lutheranism does not exist for itself but to provide clarity to the Gospel at large.
54 – What does the Formula say about the doctrine of predestination?
Dr. Rast explains the history behind and the theology of predestination and double predestination.