free will
Systematics I Class 10
Dr. Biermann leads the class through a discussion on free will and bound will and the different views on them.
Systematics II 12A
Dr. Biermann covers the dispute between Erasmus and Luther over Free Will.
Systematics II 12B
Dr. Biermann continues Luther’s refutation of Erasmus’ “Diatribe” and his understanding of Free Will.
Systematics II 11B
Dr. Biermann covers the Lutheran view of Salvation.
11 – What was the relationship between Erasmus and Luther?
Dr. Robinson points out the differences between Eramus and Luther.
The Augsburg Confession and the Apology on Human Rites and Ceremonies
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb discuss why Melanchthon included a section on sacraments and public ministry in the Apology of the Augsburg Confession Articles 18-21.
Theology of the Cross 2
The differences between predestination and double predestination.
Questioning of Omnipotence
Is God limited or omnipotent?
Gnosticism 1
Gnosticism is alive and well in today’s world with different names.