
  • Mark 10:46-52

    Mark 10:46-52 is appointed for Proper 25, Series B. The physical healing of Bartimaeus is linked to the eternal eschatological salvation and the renewal of…

  • Mark 1:29-39

    Mark 1:29-39 is appointed for Epiphany 5, Series B. Jesus’ healings and exorcisms are manifestations of the renewal of creation that comes in Jesus Christ.

  • Major Figures Day 03.A

    Dr. Powell examines the ideas that were different at the time of Jesus and how we try to understand them today.

  • Mark 5:21-43

    Mark 5:21-43 is appointed for Proper 8, Series B. The Kingdom of God is for both Jairus and the woman with the flow of blood.…

  • Mark 1:40-45

    Mark 1:40-45 is appointed Epiphany 6, Series B. Sometimes Jesus seems odd and unpredictable to us. Jesus wants to be known through His death and…