hebrew translated

  • Job 38:1-11

    Job 38:1-11 Pentecost 3, Series A, God admonishes Job by asking him where was he when the world was created.

  • Psalm 145:1-14

    Psalm 145:1-14 a Psalm celebrating God’s goodness and greatness that last forever.

  • Psalm 1

    Psalm 1 is wisdom literature about the righteous man and the wicked man compared; with a Messianic theme that Christ is the righteous man.

  • Psalm 149

    Psalm 149 is the Psalm for All Saints Day. The Law/Gospel theme is judgment versus salvation. It can be taken as either allegorical (God’s Word)…

  • Psalm 23_1b

    Psalm 23 Good Shepard Sunday, David shows his understanding that with God we lack for nothing and we need this dependence on God and not…

  • Psalm 46_1a

    Psalm 46 is the Psalm for Reformation Day. The Law/Gospel theme is chaos and anxiety versus peace and comfort.

  • Psalm 68:1-10

    Psalm 68:1-10 the Psalm is a song of remembrance for all God has done for his people.

  • Psalm 148_1a

    Psalm 148 Second Sunday of Easter, Series C, is a Psalm of praise for God from the heavens and the earth.

  • Psalm 133

    Psalm 133 Seventh Sunday of Easter, Series C, a Psalm about God bringing unity for all who believe and come together in the unity of…