hebrew translated
Isaiah 5:1-7_1
Isaiah 5:1-7 16th Sunday after Pentecost, a Song of Isaiah about the destruction of Judah for their lack of faithfulness.
Isaiah 50:4-9a_1b
Isaiah 50:4-9a, Isaiah encourages all who believe to stay the course and look forward to the deliverance by God.
Isaiah 9:1-4_1a
Isaiah 9:1-4, Isaiah prophesies Jesus and his victory over sin, death and the devil.
Isaiah 42:1-9
Isaiah 42:1-9, Isaiah tells Israel they are the chosen servant sent to proclaim God’s grace and salvation to the world.
Isaiah 42:14-21
Isaiah 42:14-21, Isaiah tells of Babylon’s fall and the return of the Jews to Jerusalem and the coming of Jesus.
Isaiah 55:6-9
Isaiah 55:6-9, Isaiah encourages the people to seek God while they can and realize God’s ways are not our ways.
Isaiah 51:1-6
Isaiah 51:1-6, God saves us with his mighty and compassionate arm.
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Good Friday, Series C, and Isaiah prophesies the atoning work of Christ for our salvation.
Isaiah 45:1-7
Isaiah 45:1-7, Isaiah prophesies that God will raise up Cyrus, a Medo-Persian, and use him as an instrument for God even though Cyrus does not…