Chapter 1.3.E.2
The dagesh forte is a dot in a Hebrew letter that indicates a duplicated letter.
Chapter 1.2.E.2
The silent shewa marks the end of a closed syllable.
Chapter 1.2
Hebrew vowels are represented by vowel pointing.
Chapter 3.2.D
Dealing with multiple prefixes, namely an article and a proposition.
Chapter 3.2.C.2
The Rule of Shewa resolves the issue of having two vocal shewas in a row.
Chapter 1.3.B
Acccents and Syllables.
Chapter 1.1.A
The Hebrew Alphabet, part 2: Gimel, Daleth, He, Waw, Zayin, Heth.
Chapter 1.2.B
Long and Short Hebrew Vowels.
Chapter 4.3
The direct object marker precedes a definite noun that is the direct object.