Chapter 3.1.B.2.b
Gutturals will add the definite article with either compensative lengthening (Aleph, Ayin, Resh) or virtual doubling (He, Heth).
Chapter 4.5
Hebrew is a Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) language.
Chapter 2.2.B
Segolate nouns follow a different pattern in the singular, but are regular in the plural.
Chapter 3.1.B.3
Some gutturals (Resh, He, Heth) take the definite article with a segol in certain circumstances.
Chapter 3.2.C
The Rule of Shewa resolves the issue of having two vocal shewas in a row.
Chapter 3.2
There are three types of prepositions: independent words, proclitic, prefixed.
Chapter 1.2.E.1
The vocal shewa is an inarticulate vowel sound.
Chapter 3.1
Hebrew only has one article, which is the definite article.
Chapter 3.1.B
The definite article in Hebrew is a the prefix He.