Major Figures Day 02.A
Dr. Powell and the class discuss the historical Jesus and the Biblical and secular references to him.
Major Figures Day 04.B
Dr. Powell leads a discussion on historical critical method and the use feminist criticism.
What is the hermeneutic of ecumenical groups?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “What is the hermeneutic of ecumenical groups?”
A Hermeneutical and Exegetical Evaluation of Contextualization in Light of John 1:14
This thesis provides a hermeneutical and exegetical evaluation of contextualization in light of John 1: 14, as asserted by evangelical contextualizers. This study will initially…
Interpreting on Level 2 (cont’d); Form Criticism and Redaction Criticism as Level 3 Procedures (6)
How Form and Redaction Criticism can affect how we understand Biblical Text.
Language Usage as Shorthand (cont’d) (8)
Certain nouns come with “external entailments” that are part of the understanding of the information.
Three So-Called "Levels" of Signifiers and Textual Interpretation (6)
The three levels of meaning are the sense of the text, significance of the text and three implication of the text.
The Holy Spirit and Scriptural Interpretation (11); Nature of Scripture (11-A)
Inerrancy and being precise enough for readers to understand their intended purpose.
Application (cont’d) 13; Summary, Part I: The Problem of Objective Interpretation
Be careful not to strip components from Parables in order to preach on them. All text are content bound and are not immediately transferable.