Metaphor and Narrative (7); Language Usage in Discourse as "Shorthand" (8)
Every linguistic utterance whether spoken or written is shorthand and you have to fill out the longhand.
Canon Issues (cont’d) (5-B); Keys to the Matrix (cont’d) (5)
The keys to the matrix are affected by which books you use as your Canon within the Canon.
Basic Issues of Interpretation (Preface, Introduction [of Textbook])
The effects of Modernism, Post Modernism and Soft Post Modernism on our understanding of the Bible.
Introduction to Course
Introduction to how the class and class work will be accomplished.
Interpreting a Matrix of Signifiers (cont’d), and the Relationship of this Issue to the Canon of Scripture (5-B)
What became part of the Canon and how your matrix affects the key to understanding the Bible.
"The People of God" In the Old Testament: The View of Eichrodt and Gutierrez as Evaluated by Confessional Lutheran Hermeneutics
This dissertation is about the concept of People of God in the Old Testament in late Academic Theology and in Liberation Theology as evaluated by…
Orality as the Key to Understanding Apostolic Proclamation in the Epistles
Redaction criticism and its modern successors in the literary field, while they give more credit to the text and the author, have at the same…
Reading 2 Corinthians 3:4-18: An Exercise in Exegesis
Paul’s letters have a reading history of almost two millennia. It is a history of readings and misreadings, of grasping the general drift of the…