Hiphil Conjugation
Chapter 18.2.D
The Hiphil Hollow, continued.
Chapter 18.2.E
The Hiphil III-He is irregular.
Chapter 18.1.A.3
The Hiphil imperative paradigm.
Chapter 18.1.A.4
The Hiphil infinitive and participle paradigms.
Chapter 18.2.C
The Hiphil I-Yod and Hiphil Hollow are irregular.
Chapter 18.2.A.1
The Hiphil I-Guttural is irregular.
Chapter 18.1.A
Intro to the Hiphil conjugation, including the perfect and imperfect paradigms. The Hiphil is causative.
Chapter 18.2.B
The Hiphil I-Nun and Hiphil I-Yod are irregular.