historical theology
47 – What is an example of how Lutheran ministry was conducted on the frontier?
Dr. Rast gives examples of frontier Lutheranism by recounting the efforts of Friedrich Wyneken.
61 – How did the Missouri Synod grow after its founding?
Dr. Schumacher explains the two periods of growth in the Missouri Synod.
64 – What happened to the LCMS during the 1970s?
Dr. Rast gives an overview of the Controversy of the early 1970’s in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
62 – What developments occurred in the LCMS during the first half of the 20th century?
Dr. Schumacher explains the things that changed the Missouri Synod into a centralized church body.
65 – What does the Lutheran landscape look like today?
Dr. Rast and Dr. Schumacher discuss the future of Lutheranism in today’s world.
46 – What was Lutheranism like on the American frontier?
Dr. Rast explains how German Lutherans received pastoral care on the frontier.
59 – Were Lutherans in America ever able to get along?
Dr. Rast looks at efforts to bring unity among the different Lutheran Synods in the 1900’s.
57 – What was the predestination controversy?
Dr. Rast explains the pre-destination and conversion controversy between the Missouri Synod and the Ohio Synod.
53 – What other Lutheran synods existed in America in the 19th century?
Dr. Schumacher gives an overview of the multiple Lutheran Synods that existed in the United States in the last half of the 19th century.