historical theology
40 – How was it that parts of the Holy Roman Empire became Reformed?
Dr. MacKenzie explains how the reformed church grew and the effects of the Schmalkadic Wars.
47 – Were there really only two main types of Protestants in the 16th century?
Dr. MacKenzie discusses the Unitarian movement during the Reformation.
39 – How did Scotland become a Reformed country?
Dr. MacKenzie explains how Scotland became reformed Protestants.
43 – Did Henry also change the doctrine of the church in England?
Dr. MacKenzie gives an explanation of Henry VIII’s "Reformation".
31 – How did the Augsburg Confession come to be written?
Dr. MacKenzie gives an overview of why and how the Augsburg Confession was written along with the Apology.
53 – Who were the Jesuits?
Dr. MacKenzie gives an overview of the Jesuits and there founder.
37 – What did Calvin teach?
Dr. MacKenzie explains the differences between Calvin and Luther.
29 – Did Zwingli and Luther interact?
Dr. MacKenzie explains the reason for and the results of the Marburg Colloquy.