historical theology
08 – How did the belief in Purgatory arise?
Dr. Robinson explains where the idea of purgatory came from in the medieval church.
15 – Why was Luther not excommunicated until 1521?
Dr. Robinson explains why it took so long for the pope to excommunicate Luther and gives a brief explanation of the politics of the time.
23 – What was the relationship between the German princes and Luther?
Dr. Robinson explains Luther’s views on rebellion against authority.
14 – Why did the 95 Theses cause such a stir?
Dr. Robinson explains how the 95 theses started the Reformation.
22 – How were princes able to become Lutheran even though Emperor Charles V was against Luther?
Dr. Robinson explains why the German princes could become Lutheran even though the Emperor was against it.
26 – What did Luther do provide for preaching and instruction in the catechism?
Dr. Robinson explains the changes Luther brought to public and Christian education.
13 – Was Luther alone in his criticism of the Pope?
Dr. Robinson explains other groups in the Catholic Church that questioned the powers of the pope.
11 – What was the relationship between Erasmus and Luther?
Dr. Robinson points out the differences between Eramus and Luther.
25 – What did Luther do when he returned to Wittenberg?
Dr. Robinson explains that Luther made changes slowly and used education to affect these changes.