historical theology
Major Figures Day 02.A
Dr. Powell and the class discuss the historical Jesus and the Biblical and secular references to him.
11 – Textual Criticism Part I – Transmission of the Text (Episode 2)
Dr. Adams gives an overview of the stages of copying Hebrew manuscripts throughout the ages.
13 – Textual Criticism Part II – Evaluating Variatns (Episode 2)
Dr. Adams continues his presentation on textual criticism and gives guidance on the way to choose the best source when doing an exegesis.
02 – Introduction to the Torah and the Book of Exodus
Dr. Adams explains the purpose of the course and the what the Torah is.
04 – Structure and Message in the Book of Exodus
Dr. Adams’s describes how Narrative arc and Dramatic Tension are used in the book of Exodus to communicate theology in the book.
Luther as Pastor and Theologian – Class 1C
Dr. Herrmann covers Luther’s view of living theology as a saint and sinner.
Luther as Pastor and Theologian – Class 1A
Dr. Herrmann introduces the class and the perspective of Luther that it will cover and the importance of viewing Luther from this perspective.
Luther as Pastor and Theologian – Class 1B
Dr. Herrmann discusses how the ideas of Luther developed and how they permeated his entire life.