historical theology
28 – How do mission fields develop into independent churches?
Dr. Schumacher gives ideas that need to be carried out for a mission church to become a local church.
38 – How did the various groups like Mormons and Jehovah’s witnesses get their start in America?
Dr. Rast why groups such as the Mormons have developed in the United States.
20 – What are some concrete examples of early mission societies?
Dr. Schumacher names a few of the early and influential mission societies of the 1800’s.
37 – Was America originally founded as a Christian nation?
Dr. Rast discusses the idea that the United States was founded as a Christian nation.
35 – When did Lutherans come to America?
Dr. Rast traces the early Lutherans in the colonies and explains what happened to them.
44 – What is American Lutheranism?
Dr. Schumacher explains what is meant by American Lutheranism.
27 – In the LCMS how are missions connected to the church?
Dr. Schumacher addresses mission societies and the LCMS.
45 – When did the forefathers of the LCMS arrive and what were they like?
Dr. Rast explains the German immigrations and why they came.
04 – What effect did Rationalism have on the Church?
Dr. Rast explains how the Enlightenment and Age of Rationalism challenged and fragmented the Christian Church.