historical theology
75 – What does the Bible say about the Lord’s Supper?
Dr. Sacer explains the importance and purpose of the Lord’s Supper.
60 – What does Paul say about the last things?
Dr. Oschwald briefly discuses Paul’s eschatological view.
63 – Why do some think that Ephesians was not originally written to the church in Ephesus?
Dr. Oschwald addresses the question if the letter to the Ephesians was actually written to the Ephesians.
58 – Where does Paul develop his doctrine of justification by faith alone in his writings?
Dr. Oschwald proves that Paul teaches justification by faith alone throughout his writings.
61 – What is gnosticism?
Dr. Oschwald explains Gnosticism and that an early form may have been the reason for writing the letter to the Colossians.
57 – Was the issue faced by Paul over justification by faith the same as the issue faced by Luther?
Dr. Oschwald explains the "New Perspectives of Paul" in the light of Luther’s reading of Paul.
67 – What does Paul say about the office of the pastor in his letters?
Dr. Oschwald explains Paul’s view of the pastoral office.
66 – Why would Paul have written the pastoral epistles?
Dr. Oschwald explains why Paul would have written the Pastoral Epistles.
56 – What is the substance of the Romans debate?
Dr. Oschwald discusses the Romans Debate over why and to whom the book of Romans was written.