historical theology
14 – How should pastors approach debates over the validity of the Bible?
Dr. Scaer explains what form criticism is and what they choose to believe.
41 – Why do translations vary so much when translating paraclete in John?
Dr. Oschwald explains the problems with the different translations of the word paraclete.
31 – What is the purpose of Mark?
Dr. Sacer explains Mark’s perspective and explains why Jesus told people to say nothing after healing them.
16 – What do we mean when we confess verbal inspiration of the Bible?
Dr. Scaer explains what is meant by inspired scriptures.
55 – How can Paul claim to be an apostle?
Dr. Oschwald explains what the word "apostle" means and why Paul was able to claim to be one.
40 – Is John accurately described as a more spiritual gospel?
Dr. Oschwald discusses the idea that John is more spiritual then the other Gospels.
43 – What is the significance when the risen Jesus breathes on his disciples in John 20?
Dr. Oschwald explains the meaning of Jesus breathing on the Disciples after the Resurrection.
39 – Why does John omit the institution of the Lord’s Supper?
Dr. Oschwald discusses the omission of the institution of the Lord’s Supper in the Gospel of John.