historical theology
48 – What does one make of the claims of James concerning the place of works in salvation?
Dr. Sacer explains what James means about good works and there value.
38 – Who was the beloved disciple?
Dr. Oschwald discusses who the beloved disciple might be and why some think it was not John.
04 – How are the Sadducees different from the Pharisees?
Dr. Oschwald explains who the Sadducees were.
10 – What happened in Israel between the return from exile and the birth of Christ?
Dr. Oschwald gives a brief history of the return from exile until the 1st century of the Jews.
19 – Why is Matthew the first book in the New Testament?
Dr. Sacer explains why Matthew was made the first book of the New Testament.
51 – Do the missionary journeys of Paul serve as a model for missionary efforts today?
Dr. Oschwald compares Paul missionary work to how it is conducted today.
02 – Is it correct to say that Christianity grew out of Judaism?
Dr. Oschwald explains why Christianity does not evolve from Judaism but from the revelation of God.
37 – How does one account for the differences between John and the Synoptics?
Dr. Oschwald gives some reasons for why John is different than the other Gospels.
12 – What are some of the questions surrounding authorship of the books of the New Testament?
Dr. Scaer explains some of the criticisms of the apostolic scriptures.