historical theology
22 – What did Jesus mean when he said in Matthew that he was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel?
Dr. Sacer discusses how Matthew is written for a Jewish audience but the strongest statements of faith are made by Gentiles.
36 – What do the times when Jesus prayed teach us about our prayers?
Dr. Sacer explains that Jesus is our model for prayer and our intercessor for prayer.
32 – Who does each Gospel talk about different aspects of the resurrection?
Dr. Sacer explains the Gospels emphasized different aspects of the resurrection.
26 – How does Luke differ from Matthew and why?
Dr. Sacer compares the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.
33 – What does Jesus mean when he says blessed are the peacemakers?
Dr. Sacer explains what is meant by being a peacemaker.
03 – Were there Pharisees who believed Jesus?
Dr. Oschwald explains who the Pharisees were and what they believed.
54 – Was the encounter of Paul with Jesus on the road to Demascus truly a conversion?
Dr. Oschwald explains Paul’s conversion or transformation on the Road to Damascus.
30 – What is meant by calling the Gospels passion narratives with long introductions?
Dr. Sacer explains that the passion narratives are the culmination of each of the Gospels.
50 – Why was the apostle Paul a good choice for Luke to trace the spread of the Gospel in Acts?
Dr. Oschwald explains why Paul was chosen by Luke to show the spread of Christianity.